Ace Attorney 6 Will Feature Two Protagonists

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2015

Ace Attorney 6 Will Feature Two Protagonists on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There'll be two defense attorneys at the helm in the next Ace Attorney game, Famitsu confirms.

Japanese Magazine Famitsu has revealed an intriguing tidbit about Ace Attorney 6. The forthcoming game, where players hunt for clues and unravel the truth in court, will feature both Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice.

As for the setting this time round, it'll take place in Japan as per usual, but also the "Kurain Kingdom," where the challenge will be facing an undefeated prosecutor.

Ace Attorney 6 will launch next year in Japan, with a Western release planned for fans of the series.

Did you enjoy the previous game, Ace Attorney 5?

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice








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