Dementium Remastered is out on 3rd December

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.11.2015 1

Dementium Remastered is out on 3rd December on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Step into a disturbed, survival horror tale once again with Dementium Remastered creeping onto 3DS next month.

Developer Renegade Kid shared the release date, 3rd December, earlier this week, as the enhanced Nintendo 2DS port opens its doors onto 3DS with enhanced environments, silky smooth 60fps (with stereoscopic 3DS turned on), dynamic lighting and real-time bump mapping - overhauled graphics for those unfamiliar with techy jargon.

Dementium tells the tale of William Redmoor - a sole survivor who awakens alone within a decrepit hospital that's frozen in time. Can William solve the mysteries of the hospital and make it out alive?


Will you help Redmoor escape in Dementium Remastered?

Box art for Dementium

Renegade Kid


Renegade Kid





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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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Sort of half-interested in this. I did get to play a bit on DS, but never got that far into it. Seemed like a pretty well made game at the time, not sure how it'll hold up today.

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