Indiana Jones to Come with Lucasarts Adventure Classic

By Shane Jury 04.02.2009 5

Indiana Jones to Come with Lucasarts Adventure Classic on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Lucasarts has confirmed a special extra for the Wii version of Indiana Jones-The Staff of Kings; the classic point-and-click title Fate of Atlantis.

Although The Staff of Kings is a multiformat game, also for PS2, PSP and DS, this addition will be exclusive to the Wii version, which is also the main build for the game.
For a clip of what to expect, look below;

Would you be interested in picking up this title?

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Artificial Mind and Movement







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Definitely! Indy 4 was and is today one of the best Point & Clicks Lucasarts has ever made. It is deep, rich, catches the movie more then all Indy-Games till today and is a \'core-adventure\', meaning: deep puzzles without frustration.
It\'s definitely worth getting, even as stand alone.

The Wii-Version is definitely a buy for me. I hope they highten their effort for the Wii-version.
What does SKU mean? Special\'K-Unit?

/edit: Not found on the video: There\'s actually speech on the CD-ROM version of Indy 4. It sounds remarcably like Harrison Ford, even if it\'s either a Lucasarts-employee or a regular voice-actor. I hope they pimp the MIDI a bit, because as you can hear it\'s a bit small and thin. The Voice-acting sounds hollow and muffled because of the codec used. If they pimp both up, they will deliver a jewel within the Indy-game.
A lot of Lucasarts would be worth being released on Wii. If you may, get homebrew and ScummVM for Wii and play some of them. Aside from Indy 4 there are Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle and some other good games to miss.

( Edited 04.02.2009 08:14 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
What does SKU mean? Special'K-Unit?

Whoops, is that not the right term? Tried to think of a word for 'main game build and other versions will be ported from', but I guess that wasn't it. Hold up a sec, I'll change it.

A lot of Lucasarts would be worth being released on Wii. If you may, get homebrew and ScummVM for Wii and play some of them. Aside from Indy 4 there are Monkey Island 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle and some other good games to miss.

I'm honestly surprised that Lucasarts haven't got those games on VC/Wiiware yet, they could make a killing.

Awesome, the more content the merrier - and good content at that! Wii certainly needs more point and click games, could be a good test for LucasArts to see whether more should be brought over.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Phoenixus said:
Whoops, is that not the right term? Tried to think of a word for 'main game build and other versions will be ported from', but I guess that wasn't it. Hold up a sec, I'll change it.

Nono, I'm just not good at these terms. I never said it was wrong, I just didn't know what it meant. Smilie

Yes, absolutely. Whenever Telltale gives us a new Strong Bad I think about it, whenever I see a German Adventure game being released on Wii I think the same: Why don't they release them on Wiiware?!
I hope Indy sells because of Indy 4... (that's Fate Of Atlantis, folks!)

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

That is brilliant! I want to buy based on that alone.

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