Sega give shadow the hedgehog a chance at his own story!!!!!

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Action-platformer from the Sonic the Hedgehog series features a new lead character and a dark, unique story.

SEGA of America and SEGA Europe today officially announced Shadow The Hedgehog, an exciting new spin-off from SEGA's best-selling Sonic The Hedgehog series. The SEGA title is currently in development at SEGA Studio USA, under the direction of Takashi Iizuka, lead developer of Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2/ Battle, and Sonic Heroes.

Shadow The Hedgehog allows players to collect an arsenal of weapons, vehicles and objects to rocket through more than 50 unique missions. In his feature debut, Shadow is tormented by a dark past, struggling to discover his true identity. He is caught in a complex battle between aliens, the G.U.N. army, and Dr Eggman, and discovers that he may be the very element that will tip the scales between good and evil forever.

"Since we first introduced him in Sonic Adventure 2, we have wanted to feature Shadow in his own game," said Takashi Iizuka, Game Director, SEGA Studio USA. "We maintained Shadow as a mysterious character and now fans can control his destiny by engaging in a unique gameplay experience that offers a multitude of possibilities!"

"The Sonic franchise has sold more than 38-million units worldwide and SEGA plans to support this new brand with a complimentary line-up of new Sonic products across all platforms in 2005," said Scott A Steinberg, vice president of marketing, SEGA of America. "We expect Shadow The Hedgehog to be a cornerstone title in this strategy as well as a new and dynamic brand for SEGA."

"Bringing a brand new game into the market with such quality as Shadow The Hedgehog is extremely exciting for us," commented Matt Woodley, marketing director of SEGA Europe. "We are highly confident that this is something that gamers of all ages will want to play."

Is he an android created by Dr Eggman? Is he the original Shadow simply suffering amnesia? Or is there an even more sinister explanation? Now, gamers will decide in a race against time by choosing between any number of routes by which to unveil the secrets of his past. Multiple endings will reflect critical decisions at every stage of the game. Gamers have ultimate control over Shadow's past, with the potential to rewrite his history time and time again.

Since his debut in Sonic Adventure 2 (2001), Shadow The Hedgehog has appeared in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (2002), Sonic Heroes (2003) and the massively popular Sonic X animated series. SEGA plans to release Shadow The Hedgehog on all current-generation console platforms in winter 2005.

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[ Edited by evil_flame on 2005/4/5 23:12 ]

Woah, calm it on the copy and paste other article threads. We already know about this, it's been discussed in the forums and there's been an article on it.

I think the plot will be where a snail goes faster than Shadow.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

sounds interesting and i like the idea of multiple endings weill have to see how SAGA play this

I AM TEH 1337 GAMORZ U R ALL NOOBS X-BOX AND GAYSTATION SUCKORZ!!!!!!111111 this was a noob poster moment brought to you by bobmcbob

Shadow the game



"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

sorry i would of but i didn't think it would bother you and if you didn't believe me i would of giving you the link.
But if your hat bothered i will change and i never knew this had been known already


Smilie Agreed, this has failure written all over it.

HazukiSan wrote:

Smilie Agreed, this has failure written all over it.

i don't think so
if you think about it sonic heros wasn't that much of a good game in it had smoother graphics, the media was good and the cgi films/clips were pretty good.But the game in its self was kinda rubbish even though it was really made to introduce itsself to younger players.It wetn multi-format and made loads and today is still making loads.The thing was about the game was it just didn't have the sonic team chazzaaz it seemed like they were too busy thinking about the storyline (which is the very important) the graphics and the media far too much compared to the actually gameplay.Even though each team had different plots too the story in the end it was an ok game.It could have been improved massivlly by for one thing what i would i liked is for each tea to have different level not the same levels.
different bosses.
more levels.
maybe like a guest appearance well i mean at like some points they could have one person leve the team and another replace that member.
But it still sold loads
Sonic adventure 2 battle.
it was a great game different plots different level (even if some were similar) What could of been better if tails wasn't in that machine.Knuckles didn't have to dig for treasure maybe like protect the master emrald or maybe something else.
rouge could have had to like sneak into the base as she was a spy and untill she joins she has to sneak nto the base or something then when she join kabbammo back to the toher story..
i Just thought sonic team could of brought us alot more than that.
same with sonic adventure 2 battle
Sonic dx i thought was brillient apart from the camera Smiliealways getting in your way.
I think if sonic the hedgehog game ahs a good storyline and good gameplay and lifespan then great its wicked the graphics don't ahve to be amazing and neither does the media even though it is nice
what do you think discuss.

[ Edited by evil_flame on 2005/4/5 23:42 ]

I just pray he didnt copy and paste that

it was really made to introduce itsself to younger players.

If by younger you mean still not any excuse, im certain that a reveiw writing monkey (maybe of the Temperton variety) would slate Sonic Heroes.

Sonic dx i thought was brillient apart from the camera

Yea the camera, man.....I was thinking 90% then the camera got stuck behind me, dropped it 60% that did.

When I see the clips for this game all I see is Sonic DX/Heroes/Battle except with a "bitching attitude" and a gun.

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh


I don't mean to sound critical at an early stage, but I was, and I'm sure many other people were as well, looking for a return to the series' roots, not some aesthetic changes which make it darker and then throwing in a gun.

It just sounds so ridiculous.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Im still really uneasy about the entire gun thing. It just dosn't suit Sonic games.

... is there that much violence in the world that great games need to include guns?

I think they need to ratsafy him by 10% or so...

(waits for someone to get reference)

See no Wiivil
Hear no Wiivil
Speak no Wiivil

SONIC 3D GAMES = SHITE:cooldude:

Guest 06.04.2005#16

Sonic Adventure one was the only good 3d sonic games I knowed. Also for the 2d sonic games I think sonic and knuckles is the best 2d one.

Apopgies to 56kers, this sums the game up completely Smilie

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This thread has been done, three times now. It was stupid enough when I managed to create the second one, completely ignoring the original right under it, let alone making a third.

I was originally quite hyped for this one, when I knew nothing about Shadow having a gun, and apparently having this

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

This is old news, but I'd just like to say, 3D sonic games are great, you're all being completely unfar, and I have high anticipation for this game.

beamrider2600 wrote: This is old news, but I'd just like to say, 3D sonic games are great, you're all being completely unfar, and I have high anticipation for this game.

I'm with Beam on this one, although I got fairly battered for that opinion when I 'over-rated' Sonic Heroes for Cubed3.

Fair enough maybe I'm a biased Sonic-Fan Boy, but if that means I can enjoy a game more than others, then surely it deserves that score from me?

Anyway, drifting off-topic in a repeated topic is pretty low, so I'll leave this now with the message of - Don't judge a book by its cover... or prequels. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I think they need to ratsafy him by 10% or so...

Hopefully Shadow will die on the way back to his home planet...

waits for someone to get reference.

This is old news, but I'd just like to say, 3D sonic games are great, you're all being completely unfar, and I have high anticipation for this game.

The previous 3d sonic games have been great but this reeks of a cash in. Take an existing character, give him a gun and make the game world darker. It's textbook lazy reinvention of a series. Only Sonic Team's development skill can save this.

I'm completely agreeing with Spydarlee & Beamrider about this. I love Sonc games & Shadow is really cool!

Have you noticed that loads of people say Sonic is babyish?! Especially in London where they all like to play games like "killing tommorow" & "killing again" & "game with guns" & "Game with guns & sex" & everyone likes "aggresive" games in General. This could really boost Sonic's image as a cool character. Smilie

They want guns & sex in the west? SOA make a Sonic game with Shadow & Guns... & err Maria... Smilie

Yes... Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best Sonic game EVER made... Smilie

[ Edited by Superlink on 2005/4/6 16:54 ]

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Anyway, drifting off-topic in a repeated topic is pretty low, so I'll leave this now with the message of - Don't judge a book by its cover... or prequels. Smilie

Like you I'm a massive Sonic fan, and for once I'd like to believe that, but after two regurgitated Dreamcast to Gamecube cash-ins, one admittedly disappointing original game, and just one decent Sonic title for the Gamecube in its lifetime (which ironically was comprised of the Sonic series of the 90's) I think I've had it with this generation of Sonic games.

I no longer have any faith in Sonic Team. Not until the next generation, unless this Shadow game turns out to be half more decent then I believe it'll be, I won't be checking up on the Blue Hedgehogs console antics.

Being a big Sonic fan and all, I feel very un-loyal saying this, but I'm tired of what I'm being given when it comes to console Sonic games and I'm just not willing to shell out another

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I'd say we have to wait for more information before we make any judgements about quality, maybe a little finger-crossing too...

'd say we have to wait for more information before we make any judgements about quality, maybe a little finger-crossing too...

I'm not judging it, I'm just saying my expectations are very slim. The video doesn't help either, it does look very much like just another game that could have been on the Dreamcast years ago.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

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