Pokemon Series Now 15 Years Old

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Happy Birthday Pokemon.

( Edited 02.03.2011 02:11 by ChaosOnline )

I remember the anime and toys coming out in the US even before the game was released since, at the time, I didn't even know Pokemon was based on a video game.

rick (guest) 02.03.2011#3

my fav is always charizard Smilie

ERIC (guest) 02.03.2011#4

The Gold and Silver Series is the Best. I have been there Since the beginning. I loved all the generations. Not the 3th that much.

My favorite are:

1. Chansey - I had a pet rat named Chansey, way before Pokemon came out

2. Zoroark - will be first if it was for Chansey, and I like Zoroark because it looks like a lycan.

3. Suicune - it's a beautiful Pokemon, and it's description (pokedex entry) makes it the fantasy creature that you see when you think of something running on water.

It's hard to choose which generation is my best. >.< I always had fun with all of them.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

My Pokemon story Smilie

As an 8/9 year old (I forget which), friends came into school talking about this new thing called Pokemon. I had no idea what it was, but we then went on to have a pretend Pokemon battle in the playground during break, and I was a Pokemon, told that it was a big turtle with guns sticking out of its shell, and it was called Blastoise. This was completely alien to me, but really interesting, so I looked into it, bought a Gameboy (with Blue) and the rest is history. Funnily enough I chose Bulbasaur instead of Squirtle though.

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My favourite gen is the 3rd gen but that's only because Hoenn is such a great place. The locations, soundtrack and Regis. Smilie

It's a shame they like to take steps backwards when introducing a new gen so that they can reintroduce them later as new features. Smilie *looks at crap touch screen integration in Black and White compared to HG and SS.*

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