C3 Chat: General Chatroom & Live Gaming Discussion

Welcome to the C3 General Chat Room

Welcome to the Cubed3 chat room! Talk live to other members about any subject - your favourite games, movies, what you've been up to. We also host official debates, live discussion and events, so be sure to take part!

Popular Chat Times

Be sure to login around these times for the more busy periods to get in on the most action!
  • 8pm until 3am GMT, UK (Peak: 9-11pm)
  • 9pm until 4am CET, Europe (Peak 10-12pm)
  • 1pm until 8pm PST (Peak: 4-6pm)
  • 4pm - 11pm EDT (Peak: 5-7pm)
  • 7am - 2pm Australia (Peak 9-11am)

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