Okami Set to Release a Week Early

By Shane Jury 21.05.2008 12

The long-awaited artistic masterpiece from Capcom has been moved closer by a week for its Europe release.

Confirmed by French site wiiz, Okami's old release date of 13th of June is now the 5th (or, more specifically, the 6th).

Image for Okami Set to Release a Week Early

Will you be getting the game? Have your say below.

Box art for Okami





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (6 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I wonder if the European artwork will also be IGN branded?

I hope so, then we'll be able to get those awesome replacements! Smilie

Smilie oh good 12 MGS4 out XD

( Edited 21.05.2008 20:51 by Jump_button )

Obv obv obv obv I'll be getting it! Shame that Clover didn't get credit! Smilie

That's the week my last AS exams end! Maybe a nice "Well done" gift Smilie From me to me!

I just hope I have enough money. It isn't budget by any chance is it? Smilie

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Yep, its budget. Not sure by how much exactly, but it definitely isn't full price. Smilie

I want to get it, but still haven\'t got any replies from jobs i\'ce applied for, so i\'ve not go much money.

( Edited 21.05.2008 22:52 by Stulaw )

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NNID: Stulaw

I wanted to buy this on the PS2, but since its coming to Wii I'm probably gonna get it! But I don't remember where I saw it that it said the controls aren't very good!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Will you be getting the game? Have your say below.

Of course! I don't like playing PS2 much. So Okami Wii is much more my kind of thing.

SuperLink said:
Shame that Clover didn't get credit! Smilie

Shame that Clover didn't get credit...

SuperLink said:
That's the week my last AS exams end! Maybe a nice "Well done" gift Smilie From me to me!

Good luck, SuperLink!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

No Avatar said:
I wanted to buy this on the PS2, but since its coming to Wii I'm probably gonna get it! But I don't remember where I saw it that it said the controls aren't very good!

In theory, it should be perfectly suited for the Wii control set-up...if they balls the controls up for it, it'd be a tragedy. Okami is, without doubt, one of the best games I've ever played; a few embarrassing instances of sexism aside, it's like Zelda for grown-ups. Were I a Wii owner who'd never played it, I'd snap it up...though it's easy to find on PS2 for under a tenner...

No Avatar said:
I wanted to buy this on the PS2, but since its coming to Wii I'm probably gonna get it! But I don't remember where I saw it that it said the controls aren't very good!

Nintendo power said the controls weren't any good, but they were talking a load of crap. The only controll that is a bit random whether it works or not is the dodge control which you don't need to complete the game.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

It had better be a budget title.

Can't wait to get this. Smilie

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