Capcom's Wii Sales Estimates

By Shane Jury 12.11.2008 14


Capcom have released approximate figures on what one of their current retail Wii games has sold and their hopes for another title later this year.

From German gaming site Gamefront, the Japanese Gaming Giant wishes to push 500,000 copies of the port Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop onto customers, although less-than-stellar previews and a strong lack of the original game's key Element may hinder sales greatly.

Great news for fans of Clover Studio's Masterpiece Okami; The Wii port of the game has managed to sell very well, reaching the 300,000 mark across all territories, in particular 210,000 in the US and 90,000 in Europe (no Japan figures are known). Certainly not bad for an overlooked port with no new features that didn't sell well first time around. And who knows, if sales continue (Zavvi, 13 pounds), that sequel might not be too far away...


Capcom have released even more sales data.

Since the last sales data gathering, total units of Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition sold have jumped up by 100,000 to 1,400,000 worldwide. Also, spin-off Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles has increased by 50,000 to 1,150,000.

The Wii version of Resident Evil 4 has had the largest jump in sales relative to its LTD, and surpassed the sales numbers of REmake on GC, as well as matching Dead Rising on XBox 360 and Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X for PS2.
Combining the sales of Resident Evil 4 on all of its platforms, Gamecube, Playstation 2 and Wii, the number comes to 5,050,000, swiftly surpassing Resident Evil 2 on PSOne, and if the Wii Version sales continue, the forth game in the series could become the best-selling one in less than a year.

Box art for Okami





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I am playing Okami right now and I must say, it grows on you. The artwork of this game is worth it alone. Once you get past the seemingly limitless issun conversations and play the first dungeon (sort of, the one with the kid's dog in it) you'll realise just how incredibly great the game is.

It sells well, great, but maybe deserves even more.

Our member of the week

I want Okami on Wii so bad, but can't find it in any shop i visited for the last three months. And those stores ordered more copies but haven't managed to get new ones for weeks now. i even know some stores who didn't even receive a single copy of the game since it launched in Europe. What the hell is going on with capcom ? They complain that their game isn't selling as good as it deserves, but can't supply stores efficiently enough to ensure that it actually sells well.

God curses you capcom ! I want this damn game ! NOW !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
I want Okami on Wii so bad, but can\'t find it in any shop i visited for the last three months. And those stores ordered more copies but haven\'t managed to get new ones for weeks now. i even know some stores who didn\'t even receive a single copy of the game since it launched in Europe. What the hell is going on with capcom ? They complain that their game isn\'t selling as good as it deserves, but can\'t supply stores efficiently enough to ensure that it actually sells well.

God curses you capcom ! I want this damn game ! NOW !

See second line from the bottom in the story and in my Sig. There ya go. Enjoy. Smilie

( Edited 10.11.2008 15:50 by Phoenixus )

Our member of the week

f**cking great Phoenixius, they don\'t seem to allow for any kind of payment that\'s available for me in Belgium Smilie.

Sorry, but this isn\'t gonna work for me Smilie.

Anyway, this doesn\'t change the fact that THEY DON\'T suplly stores efficiently.

EDIT : Found it on a French website, but it\'s excessively expensive (50.58 euros, that is approximatively 40 GBP). But i want it so bad, i suppose i don\'t have much choice.

( Edited 10.11.2008 16:09 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Oh sorry. Smilie

I haven't even played this yet, had a copy of it lying on my desk for like.. 3 months now LOL. Ahh, can't wait till exams are over...

Hey im one of those 90.000 people Smilie
I must say one of the greatest games on the Wii so far, thats not to say there arent any issues coz there is since its a PS2 port it has its few glitches and problems... but very rarely... This game is AAA and for £13 youd be absolutely BONKERS no to buy it, I've already spent about 40+ hours playing it non-stop whenever I have time... Brilliant game must buy for any Wii owner! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Man, I would love a sequel to Okami. It really is a great game.

As far as Dead Rising...I don't expect too much out of that game. I didn't buy it on the 360, and I'm not planning on getting it for Wii either.

Since the last sales data gathering, total units of Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition sold have jumped up by 100,000 to 1,400,000 worldwide

So, Resi 4 Wii Edition sells over 6 times Capcom's initial expectations, and what do we have to show for it? A half-assed port of Dead Rising, a port of a Resident Evil we can play on the console already and no sign of any form of Resi 5. Gee, thanks guys.

That\'s a great deal on the Zavvi site, including shipping to Holland it\'s just 21 euro.

But I have so much to play... Smilie

( Edited 12.11.2008 09:07 by Canyarion )

no doing any add for Okami on wii what a fuck up

I've ordered Okami online because I couldn't find it at any stores. Smilie

Let's wait and see. Something tells me that the lack of Resident Evil 2 on Umbrella Chronicles signals either a version of it like REmake or one with the engine of RE 4.

Who knows, Capcom porter Dead Rising, maybe we get a side story to RE 5 on the RE4 (optimized) engine. Models and areas already exist...

I didn't really like Okami to be honest.

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