New Elebits: Kai and Zero Info

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2008 1

New Elebits: Kai and Zero Info on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The adorable little critters return, but this time on the DS in the adventures of Kai and Zero.

Kai is a 10 year old chap, and the son of two famous scientists that are key figures in the world of Elebits research. He meets Zero during the blackout of the original game, where all the power in the town was drained due to Elebits escaping and hiding about. The pair hide in a magical bus known as a GG, and for some reason it turns itself on and whisks our protagonists into a magical adventure.

  • Solve challenging puzzles in order to find and capture over 20 mysterious Omega Elebits.
  • Players problem solving abilities increase the more they explore, capture and raise their Elebits.
  • Battle 7 bosses by utilizing each of the Omega Elebits' special powers to defeat them.
  • Use Kai's capture gun and find numerous upgrades to capture the elusive Elebits
  • Utilize each of the Omega Elebits' special powers in order to solve puzzles, reveal hidden paths, freeze flowing water, turn darkness into light, levitate rocks and much more.
  • Connect via Wi-Fi and battle up to four friends in a head-to-head Elebits capture battle.

    The game is due out on January 6th 2009.

  • Box art for Eledees: The Adventures of Kai and Zero
    Also known as

    Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero









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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

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    This one keeps sounding better and better. Can't wait to play it.

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