New Dementium II Nintendo DS Trailer

By Adam Riley 01.11.2009 4

New Dementium II Nintendo DS Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Renegade Kid and SouthPeak Interactive have released a new Dementium II trailer. The Nintendo DS game, which is due out in early 2010 in both the US and Europe and is the sequel to Dementium: The Ward, focuses on William Redmoor as he struggles with reality, fighting against both armed guards in one instance and strange, disturbing beasts in his mind's alternate world.

More details can be found on this horror-themed first-person action title in Cubed3's recent hands-on preview of the game.

Check out the trailer below:

Box art for Dementium II

Renegade Kid







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Looks awesome actually, graphics-wise too..... I kept thinking Ghostbusters throghout this though...

i hadn\'t noticed that the hand thats grabbing the face of the person in the cover, comes out of it\'s own mouth, LoL, i think it\'s the most interesting thing about the game that i have seen so far

( Edited 02.11.2009 02:58 by cuichu )

edracon said:
Looks awesome actually, graphics-wise too..... I kept thinking Ghostbusters throghout this though...

It takes the original's graphics engine and adds so much more. Renegade Kid has done a fantastic job!

cuichu said:
i hadn't noticed that the hand thats grabbing the face of the person in the cover, comes out of it's own mouth, LoL, i think it's the most interesting thing about the game that i have seen so far

Really? Nothing about the game grabs your attention? Have you played the first one, at least?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This game looks good i might get it because the 1st one is not that good but its OK but this looks ACE!!!!!!!

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