Fresh Skyward Sword Screenshots and Footage

By 13.09.2011 9

Fresh Skyward Sword Screenshots and Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Nintendo 3DS has had tons of news this morning, but let's not forget the Wii and Nintendo big upcoming title, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword! During the conference held in Japan, Nintendo released a bunch of new screenshots from the game and Shigeru Miyamoto also attended to showcase new areas and talk about some of its features. A 25th Anniversary Zelda trailer was also shown.

It's all looking very colourful, but we don't want to spoil anything! Let's just say it's looking fantastic and there's a lot of new weapons and contraptions Link will be using throughout his new adventure and some familiar faces will be returning. You can also expect some huge boss battles!

It was during the conference when Shigeru Miyamoto walked upon stage with a sword and shield in hand and afterwards proceeded to talk to the audience about sword play in Skyward Sword. During that time, new direct-feed footage was shown, which can be seen below. Miyamoto has claimed the game will be around 50 - 100 hours long and will include over 100 minutes of cut-scenes. In addition to this, Miyamoto talked about the development of the title and stated that Skyward Sword has taken five years to complete and has had 100 people working on it during that time.

The 25th Anniversay trailer, which includes a new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The new screenshots, more can be found in the game's album.

Image for Fresh Skyward Sword Screenshots and Footage

Image for Fresh Skyward Sword Screenshots and Footage
Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





Action Adventure



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Certainly in 2 minds about this game. There's no doubt it looks great, but I see a lot of old-style mechanics and not so much in the way of progression. That said, there are neat gems in the footage - bigger bosses, flight etc, so hopefully it'll come together nicely!

Praying that they won't have the same old dungeon formula!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

There's also something unique to this game although it borrows the mechanics from other games.

Spoiler for people that don't want to know.

Anyway, to me the game looks good, it definitely has a Zelda look and feel about it. Plus although there's new items, some old ones are there that haven't been used in the 3D games. This might be a lot like Wind Waker, which is awesome.

( Edited 13.09.2011 14:48 by Stulaw )

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Squidboy (guest) 13.09.2011#3


Huh, I think the demo shows a load of entirely new gameplay concepts for the Zelda franchise, and MotionPlus seems to play a large role in them coming about.

Zelda will always retain some old concepts, but I think from this point on they'll be tweaked to feel fresh. Nintendo seem to have a clearer direction for the franchise on console now, that's what I gather when reading interviews. Hopefully handheld Zelda will benefit from this clearer vision also.

There's no way I'm watching any more footage from this game. I've spoiled quite a bit this morning by watching those new videos and I know there's already another trailer that's been released and further footage available from the conference. I won't be watching those though.

I kept away from Super Mario Galaxy before it launched and now it's one of my favourite games of all-time. I hope this turns out to be the same.

All I can say is I'm so excited for this. I was shaking with excitement last night when I heard that orchestra music come in, whilst Link was flying on his bird.

Squidboy (guest) 13.09.2011#5

Me too, I've seen quite enough. Ample to keep me happy.

Jman (guest) 13.09.2011#6

Finally a trailer that makes me want the game! Up until now SS has looked extremely boring, but this trailer has finally sparked my interest.
I don't know about the whole 50hrs thing, but it's looking pretty darn big and meaty.
The part where you're attacking that giant flying whale thing on your bird looked awesome.
As for the 25th anniversary vid, it's either a real testament to the game, or the weakness of the Wii, but Wind Waker easily holds it's own against the modern Zelda titles in every way.
I'm not one for remakes, but I would love to see an HD version of Wind Waker on the U.

This trailer is amazing. Most games in franchises retain a certain amount of their mechanics. Its weird in a way that we expect major shifts (including myself) from nintendo games. But no one bats an eyelid that COD is pretty much the same game with the same art style, same engine, same weapons. Infact nintendo games change alot more then most franchises.
Perhaps they are greater exposed because story wise zelda doesnt really stray from the familiar

nry (guest) 15.09.2011#8

Oh yes, bring on November! Anyone notice Fludd? They have gone to town on this one, there are so many new puzzle styles etc. in here, I can't wait to see what they do with U!

Tiff (guest) 18.09.2011#9

I am SO HYPED UP for Skyward Sword!!! Cannot wait for November; I've been stalking the Internet for news of it practically every day, and once I get my hands on it... TAKE MY MONEY NINTENDO-!

Yes, Zelda has a formulaic approach, but that formula definitely works, and hasn't disappointed in all of 25 years. In SS, it looks like there's some new concepts and refinements (in terms of MotionPlus, although we've yet to see if it fully works), the graphics look terrific (to all haters, two words: "Wind Waker"), and also orchestrated music...

Skyward Sword could well be the best Zelda ever! In my opinion, there's even a slight, slight chance that it could surpass OoT, at least in terms of gameplay, from what I've seen. Although OoT has a special (nostalgic) place in people's hearts, so it would be very unlikely, and quite a feat if it does. Still... one can hope.

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