New Details and First Screenshots for Wii U Horror Bizerta: Silent Evil

By Luna Eriksson 18.04.2015 1

New Details and First Screenshots for Wii U Horror Bizerta: Silent Evil on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The developer of Bizerta: Silent Evil has shared some exclusive information and the first screenshots with Nintendo Enthusiast about their upcoming survival horror game for the Wii U.

As well as the first in-game screenshots being revealed, Edrox Interactive talks about the storyline, in which players take the role of a 15-year-old boy who finds himself in a "Dark World"...only he wakes up as a 30-year-old man. He must not only find out where he is and why it has happened, but also escape this mysterious Dark World.

The GamePad will be put to unique use in Bizerta, with prototypes of what Edrox has planned also being shown. Edrox also notes that the graphical engine is continually being developed.

Can you not wait for this new survival horror title for the Wii U? Post your thoughts about the new information and screenshots in the comments field below.

Box art for Bizerta: Silent Evil








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This looks pretty interesting and I will keep an eye on it for sure.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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