NieR: Automata Off-Screen Gameplay Footage

By Albert Lichi 29.10.2015

NieR: Automata Off-Screen Gameplay Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During E3 2015, Square Enix announced that they were going to partner with action game developer Platinum Games to create the sequel to the last gen cult favorite NieR. With the original series creator, Taro Yoko involved and Platinum Games' panache for stylish action it was only a matter of time before the first glimpses of gameplay would reveal themselves. That time was during the Paris Games Week conference where this off-screen footage was recorded of the amusing making-of video that is punctuated with the actual gameplay in action.



NieR: Automata does show a very promising first glimpse of the kind of action that is to be expected from such an experienced developer like Platinum Games. Any fans of the original NieR satisfied with how this sequel is turning out?

Box art for Nier: Automata



Square Enix


Real Time RPG



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