Nintendo News | A Deadline for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.12.2007 20

Kando Games is bringing an action-film game to the Wii with a Deadline on their hands, based on a chap leading a team of agents.

According to reports, the game follows the head of a team of agents with an action film experience. Apparently Deadline is the same game as the cancelled PS2 project of the same name from 2003.

A selection of teeny tiny screens:

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That looks quite familiar like Half Life 2.. :O

well it look good to me pics are a little smell

lol and good to see them not just porting a ps2 game but geting it up to look good on wii

irfman said:
That looks quite familiar like Half Life 2.. :O

Yeh, it does actually. Looks like a low-resolution HL2 mod.

This -

HL2 -

This -

HL2 -

If its anything like HL then Wii have a winner as the first true 3rd party AAA title and that to me is very very huge. Since we have yet to have a great 3rd party AAA core title. I am still trying to search the web to see with Dev team (being the first) thats using a Wii modified UE3... Its already been confirmed that some Dev group has the license to use it for the Wii.

Anymore information on it anywhere?

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

It looks that it is going to be cancelled like sadness

Sadness was never canceled. Get your facts straight

Wasn't sadness planned for Q1 2008 all those years ago when the Wii was first launched.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I want Half-Life 2 on Wii!!! Man that would be awesome...not even the Orange Box. Just Half-Life 2 with Medal of Honor Heroes 2 controls. Oh man that would rock.

That is unquestionably a mod as Cu Roi's post shows.

tiamat1990 said:
I want Half-Life 2 on Wii!!! Man that would be awesome...not even the Orange Box. Just Half-Life 2 with Medal of Honor Heroes 2 controls. Oh man that would rock.

It would but do we really need such a old game appearing on Wii when so many others do already, I don't think so.

I think I recall Valve saying in a interview with GS at their OB & Left4Dead event that they would like to do something on Wii in future.

I wonder if Valve and not Ubisoft is the first Publisher to license Unreal Engine 3 for the Wii. It was already confirmed but the developer name was never given. HL series on the Wii would be a smash hit AAA title.

But this aint got nothing to do with Valve. Do they know?

This is how the original PS2 build looked:

Image for

Sadness is still Q1 2009, by the way.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yeah it looks too familiar to HL2... let's hope it will deliver the same level of graphics, instead of just copying it stylistically.

Sadness exists?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Dr_R said:
Sadness exists?

For those waiting for the game yes.

Seriously though I do think it's still very much in the works, in fact I do believe IGN played a build of it.

jesusraz said:
This is how the original PS2 build looked:
Image for
Sadness is still Q1 2009, by the way.

:O hi res PS1 Metal Gear Solid

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

I read some where yesterday on another site that basically that they think this is the Wii running the HL2 source engine as the grenade and shotgun models are exactly the same as the HL2 ones plus as part of the press release they stated it will do things that the source engine did.

I also rememebr reading a month or so ago that valve didnt think there was a reason to post the engine to the wii but there were other companies who were trying to do so just like the unreal 3 engine.

I do hope this is the source engine as it will start to posibly show what the wii can do.

I think the game will actually look quite good, they can still give it a bit of polish but it looks fine as far as i can tell.

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Yes, Stupod. Methinks so too. Looks quite well.
Graphics quite good, but I think Wii is capable of much more. But lighting looks good, atmospheric. I hope it got a decent story and good gameplay. I hope so. I want a game like that on Wii.

And Sadness... Yes, that's quite a story. Eastern game-studios sometimes have a lot of time. When they see, that they need time, then they push the release date. ...And push... and push... (Witcher anyone? *g*). But I think they are under way.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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