Okami: Wii and PS2 Comparision

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.04.2008 16

With Capcom's Okami finally reaching the Wii in the West, a comparision video highlights the port differences.

Originally debuting on Sony's PlayStation 2, Capcom decided to port over the game in its entirety to the Wii, aiming to keep the experience as truthful to the original as possible.

The Wii version although looking more vibrant and sharper some might say has lost the original essence, though others may argue it's a visual improvement.

Which outing seems better? You decide!

Box art for Okami





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I'd go as far as to say the Wii version may be better. It looks pretty solid, and i'm sure it plays well too. Guess i'll know for sure once i get Smilie

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

Think I prefer the Wii version, the colours come out a little better, even if certain things don't come out quite as well without that odd filter.

Oh man the PS2 version is way better...damn it. The Wii version should have been the ultimate version. Grrrr

PS2 version has washed out colours but thats more true to the style of the game. They say that some of the waggle controls aren't reliable too.

oh come on!
the wii version looks better, no doubt.
the ps2 has that overused shiny effect, while the wii version is more defined and detailed.
wii version is better, period.

Wow, the PS2 edition really looks so washed out in comparison it's unbelieveable! Is this really as good as everyone makes out, though? That video made it look quite boring...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Don't judge the game with this video Adam, trust me the game's brilliant.

jesusraz said:
Wow, the PS2 edition really looks so washed out in comparison it's unbelieveable! Is this really as good as everyone makes out, though? That video made it look quite boring...

It's a fantastic game, one of my favourites. It's certainly not boring. Wii version all the way, the collours look fantastic and everything is more crisp. WS 480p also.

Wii version definitely looks better, can't wait for it.Smilie

I'm glad we can argue about the visuals here, which are personal opinions. Me likes Wii version better. I think the washed-out look witht the paper-filtering is too much. They did a great job vibrating the colours.
There are more and bigger SFX, too. I hink that fits also.
It's way better then RE4, in which they didn't touch the visuals at all.
They didn't say anything about the other things, but these aren't comparable in a video that easily. Gameplay and the over feeling playing it.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I think the Wii version mostly look way better, but some things looked better on the PS2. Is the fighting that disjointed with brush stuff? Really looks like it breaks the flow.

I keep going back and forth between the two versions. The vibrancy of the colours, and some of the effects, in the Wii version is great, but the desaturation and filtering of the PS2 version fits the 'moving watercolour painting' look much better.

Knighty, yes the brush techniques do break up the fighting like that. From just viewing the videos it makes it look very disjointed, but trust me when I say that it all makes perfect sense and works wonderfully in the game.

For those thinking the game looks boring from that vid, please keep in mind that this is from right at the beginning of the game, where Amaterasu is roaming around the astral plane. For variety of things to do, interesting characters to interact with, secrets to find, enemies to fight, dungeons to conquer and story to uncover, Okami has Twilight Princess well, well beaten.

I'd go so far as to say that the only things Twilight Princess has going for it over Okami are the Zelda name, and overall better realised dungeons. The dungeons in Okami are great, but they're just missing a bit of magic or an inspirational puzzle or two to really make them outstanding.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Although the PS2 graphics are more authentic to the style it was trying to imitate (it's supposed to look like it's on paper, which the Wii version certainly does not), I prefer the Wii graphics there. On PS2 once you get over how amazing it looks initially, all the assets are over used. Having it a more colourful might help a bit in the long run.

knighty said:
I think the Wii version mostly look way better, but some things looked better on the PS2. Is the fighting that disjointed with brush stuff? Really looks like it breaks the flow.


jesusraz said:
Wow, the PS2 edition really looks so washed out in comparison it's unbelieveable! Is this really as good as everyone makes out, though? That video made it look quite boring...

It is quite boring, and goes on for too long.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

OK so this "Paper Filter" that everyone is whining about being absent from the Wii game makes the PS2 version look like that? I'll admit, the PS2 game looked stunning when it forst came out, but compared to the vibrantness of the Wii game - it just looks so dull.

I say the Wii version, more crisp and I love my colours.

I don't know which one looks better, there is definitely a difference.. but I can't say if any are better because of it. They both look beautiful.

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