shenmue 3 will it ever appear?

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yeah but i didn't know that the second one was on the dreamcast if i'd known i wouldn't of btohered saying that.
and shenmue 3 is susposinly in this being realeased on xbox though they have no publihser or a date of when it to be realeased yet ehre look yourself
shenmue 3
but like you said no shenmue 1 on xbox so i suggest getting shenmue one it is amazing i don't think i have completed it yet but it is amazing you will love it.
shenmue two is great too but shortend down alot..
buy a dreamcast go onto shenmue 1 then buy 2 for dc then if shunmue 3 does come out on xbox or ever come out then i guess u will have to buy that machine if you want to continue unless you have it already.
good luck

whoao whoao, your sig is too big, evil flame.

^^ Ditto, when a sig takes up the whole screen, it is too big

yeah i know but i can't find any other i tried uploading my own evil flame one i made through email and it didn't work in forums Smilie
now i have to get rid of my flame of recca one too Smilie
linkman where did you make yours>??????????

[ Edited by evil_flame on 2005/4/5 21:08 ]

to tell you the truth, blizz's sig is very weord and queer.

Why can't he be normal just like us?

yeah i suspose but linkman where did you make yours cos i have one i sent it to my email and it works in my profile sna shows up just when i post it doesn't...
where did you make yours and if you made it at home how did you upload it?

Blizz's sig is even weirder when you can only see the tip of the professors head. *shudders*

[ Edited by stucorbs on 2005/4/5 15:11 ]


Dude, first of all improve you grammar.

Mr. kin made mine and i'v had it ever since. Just go to profile and edit account.

Go down to signature and in the text field, click image. Put in the URL of your image and you're done.

Simple as that. Stucorbs, you're right as well. *shuders too*

i will improve it i'm kinda in a hurry at the moment ok.
anyway i have done that nvm you wouldn't bother i will find another way.

evil_flame wrote: yeah but i didn't know that the second one was on the dreamcast if i'd known i wouldn't of btohered saying that.
and shenmue 3 is susposinly in this being realeased on xbox though they have no publihser or a date of when it to be realeased yet ehre look yourself
shenmue 3
but like you said no shenmue 1 on xbox so i suggest getting shenmue one it is amazing i don't think i have completed it yet but it is amazing you will love it.
shenmue two is great too but shortend down alot..
buy a dreamcast go onto shenmue 1 then buy 2 for dc then if shunmue 3 does come out on xbox or ever come out then i guess u will have to buy that machine if you want to continue unless you have it already.
good luck

Well I've got an xbox so thats not a problem. I seriously doubt though, that Shenmue 3 will come out on xbox, I mean, its uncertain whether it'll see the light of day anyway - but I still think that the Dreamcast is worth getting anyway - whether you choose to get an xbox or not.

yeah its wroth it its got classics liek dead or alive 2 aload of great games sonic adventure 1 n 2 are great.
the 1st adventure game is better.
and hidden and dangerous.
theres loasd i will get one myself but we have one already.
and right now im head banging will fluffy hair

Shenmue III won't be out for a while since the team making it are currently developing a title called Shenmue Online for PC users in China.

Check the official site:

Shenmue Online OFFICIAL Website

Hope that helps peeps! Smilie

evil_flame wrote:and shenmue 3 is susposinly in this being realeased on xbox though they have no publihser

Wouldn't Sega publish it?

probaly but on the website link later back it doesn't have a publihser yet probzx because they haven't started it yet

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