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When were Super Mario Land and Metroid 2 confirmed? NOA's site still lists the original ten and nowhere else has these games Smilie

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Same question from me, I wasn't aware that Game Boy games were announced for ambassadors.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, that's because they weren't. Those two games were announced as regular releases on the eShop a few days ago and not as games included in the Ambassador program.

Source: ONM

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
Yeah, that's because they weren't. Those two games were announced as regular releases on the eShop a few days ago and not as games included in the Ambassador program.

The news says Super Mario Land, not Super Mario Land 2

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Ah, that's even weirder, seeing as that one is already on the VC and Metroid 2 was just announced for it. Must be some stuff mixed up. Smilie

Information is not available for this serial number. We are not able to confirm your eligibility for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program.

...huh. Smilie I'll try again later, I should be eligible.

Ikana said:
Information is not available for this serial number. We are not able to confirm your eligibility for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program.

...huh. Smilie I'll try again later, I should be eligible.

This is the American site, the EU sites don't have the ambassador thing up yet, so I wouldn't worry.

( Edited 22.08.2011 11:20 by Stulaw )

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Stulaw said:
This is the American site, the EU sites don't have the ambassador thing up yet, so I wouldn't worry.

Ooh, I didn't realise, silly me. XD Thanks.

( Edited 22.08.2011 14:16 by Ikana )

Any ideas when the EU Ambassador checker will be up?

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