My friend code is 1075-1576-1537. I like making new friends! So let's hang out!
( Edited 12.08.2014 22:26 by Theresa )
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My friend code is 1075-1576-1537. I like making new friends! So let's hang out!
( Edited 12.08.2014 22:26 by Theresa )
Hi Everybody!
hey i need friends, my friend code is 3754-8766-4326
Rosa, i registered you as a friend. My friend code ~ 2766-9712-6923
Friend Code is 1950-9051-8723, add me!
I'll add you as soon as i get my 3DS Charged!
Hi! want to play new leaf with me? My Fc is 3454-2267-4159. Please reply
I have no friends yet and I'll add you just let me know any one can add me my name is Peyton and my town is Melville and my code is
( Edited 10.09.2014 20:23 by Pinky222 )
Hi there I would love to go to your town I've ordered the game I might visit your town on Friday if that sounds good
hello everyone! please add me 2981-7509-9924, thanks! -Reema
i loved this game but once i got the Majora's mask i felt like i won and quit lol
Majora's Mask was the main reason i bought it :/
Hey there guys, pretty new to this whole animal crossing shindig, keen to have some visitors/visit some new towns! friend code is 2466-3646-3856
hey anyone read this thread anymore ? i rly need friends for animal crossing .
my friend code is 1478-5196-3549.
my names andrew and i play DS alot here are the games i play.
anyone kind enough to add me pls email me with ur friend code or post up here
[email protected]
I've added u repulsion911 and pickurusu
My FC is 0233-0112-1571
( Edited 13.10.2014 14:25 by Eliza18 )
anyone here
her are my sisters and mine FCs 3969-5433-4553 and 5429-8270-2807 add us and leave your Fc so we can add you back !
My friend code is 1392-6638-9161
Hiya I just added a few of you guys I've been playing about a month and am working on getting fruit trees of all kinds and friends. My name is April my town is vulpix and so far I have apples pars and oranges as well as most of the tropical fruit. I play mostly UK evenings and weekends since I work. My FC is 3711 7464 2112
see you soon hopefully
Looking for friends to get fruit and discover the social aspects of new leaf. FC is 1848-2726-2185. My name is Kayji.
Ive added you Eliza18, my code is 1048-9552-9906
Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori
(46 Votes)