Adam joined up with Cubed3 back when it was merely a fledgling website, providing snippets of news to eager gaming fans. It was not long before he made a strong impression, bombarding Jorge with constant news submissions. Having been a creative talent from a young age, it was only a short time before he squeezed his way into the small team and took control of the retro review side of C3. Once his confidence built up, which certainly did not take a long time, he dipped his toe further into the writing scene with a slew of in-depth articles and even took on the role of Editor for others' work.
Moving away from causing waves throughout the Industry with his rapid-fire news updates, numerous exclusive interviews, and visits to press events, now in the role of Operations Director he focuses more on strong relations with game developers and PR teams, finding new opportunities for the website's growth, as well as producing radio shows.
Cubed3 just wouldn't be the same without him!