Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64 / Wii / Wii U Virtual Console): News, Reviews, Videos & Screens

Super Mario 64 is a 3D Platformer game developed by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 video game console. The game has been re-released and can be downloaded on the Virtual Console service for Wii, Wii U, in digital form. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Super Mario 64.






3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (26 Votes)

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Reviews for Super Mario 64 Nintendo 64

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Plumbers, plants and pot loads of perfection... - By Joe Brukner

Read more     12 Comments

Articles & Features for Super Mario 64 Nintendo 64

Title Date Comments
Super Mario 64 Remake in Unity28.03.20151
This Super Mario 64 HD Remake is Stunning05.01.20153
See Super Mario 64 in First Person Through Oculus Rift15.04.20141
Rumour: Could Nintendo be Remaking Super Mario 64 with Online and Dual GamePads?24.10.20138
Play With Two Mario Simultaneously in Super Mario 64 Online Mod26.10.20124
Super Mario 64 FPS Mod29.04.200811
N64 Week | Review: Super Mario 6427.03.200612

Screenshots and Artwork for Super Mario 64 Nintendo 64

Gameplay Videos & Trailers for Super Mario 64 Nintendo 64

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