Metroid Prime Trilogy (Wii / Wii U Virtual Console): News, Reviews, Videos & Screens

Metroid Prime Trilogy is a First Person Shooter game developed by Retro for the Wii video game console. The game has been re-released and can be downloaded on the Virtual Console service for Wii U, in digital form. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Metroid Prime Trilogy.






First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (7 Votes)

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Reviews for Metroid Prime Trilogy Wii

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

The Metroid Prime series is widely regarded as one of Nintendo's greatest in recent years. Is it great enough to be worthy of a re-release in Metroid Prime Trilogy, though? - By Calum Peak

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Articles & Features for Metroid Prime Trilogy Wii

Title Date Comments
US eShop: Gunman Clive 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy29.01.20150
Miyamoto: Retro High Priority for New Metroid Title22.09.20138
Metroid Prime Trilogy Stops Shipping in the US10.01.201012
Metroid Prime Trilogy Mildly Censored02.09.200922
Free Classic Metroid for Trilogy Fans14.08.200917
Special Collectors Edition for Metroid Prime Trilogy25.06.200922
Metroid Prime Trilogy for Europe in Autumn04.06.20098
Metroid Prime Trilogy - More Screens25.05.200913
Retro and Nintendo bring Metroid Prime Trilogy to Wii22.05.200931

Screenshots and Artwork for Metroid Prime Trilogy Wii

Gameplay Videos & Trailers for Metroid Prime Trilogy Wii

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