Bozon Excited for Shantae's Possible Inclusion in Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2015 4

Bozon Excited for Shantae

With Shantae as top contender for the Super Smash Bros. ballot (on Reddit), Matt Bozon is keen to see her included.

Imagine the possibility of a character you've created, developed and defined over the years being included in the Super Smash Bros. roster of official characters. It seems that Shantae is one of the more popular faces amongst fans who voted, given the result of a fairly large sample on Reddit.

"I'm really excited about Shantae being a possibility for Smash!" Exclaimed Bozon in an interview this week, with "something that exists somewhere between Mega Man and Peach," being where imagines Shantae could sit, moves wise. "I'd hope she could recover in Harpy form, or maybe pull off some incredible dance and transformation for her Final Smash! I would love to see this happen, and if not now, then some time in the future!"

Did you vote for Shantae in the Smash Ballot? Would she make a good inclusion in the game?

Box art for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero





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Jay (guest) 03.12.2015#1

I voted for BayonettaAfter the Cloud reveal, Shantae or Shovel Knight would be meh additions.

Theres just something about the saturday morning cartoon style of wayforwards games that puts me off. So i'd prefer pretty much anyone but those making it in.

I'd be surprised if Shantae got in over Banjo Kazooie, Professor Layton or Rayman

Honestly, she seems more like a cross between a joke and one guys obsession that's gone too far in regards to her chances of getting in.

Wouldn't mind her inclusion actually guys - could be interesting, though I would prefer Bayonetta (though perhaps she'd be a bit similar to ZSS), but defo Dixie!

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