special promotional event in Japan to help sell No More Heroes, Grasshopper Manufacture's CEO, Goichi Suda, revealed he wants to eventually do a trilogy based on protagonist Travis Touchdown. With [url=http://www.cubed3.com/news/9191/]decent sales so far[/url], it could become a reality. Share your thoughts on the idea inside..." /> News: Nintendo Wii News | Suda-san Considering Travis Trilogy Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Wii News | Suda-san Considering Travis Trilogy

By Adam Riley 13.12.2007 7

Quick News - Speaking at a special promotional event in Japan to help sell No More Heroes, Grasshopper Manufacture's CEO, Goichi Suda, revealed he wants to eventually do a trilogy based on protagonist Travis Touchdown. With decent sales so far, it could become a reality.

Share your thoughts on the idea below...

Box art for No More Heroes

Grasshopper Manufacture


Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (16 Votes)

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I really hope this game does better here because it looks awesome.

Oh it will. The game's been tailored to the Western market right from the start, Suda-san has stated that on several occasions. It's also getting glowing reports from media all over.

Rising Star Games is set to push the game really well starting next month in Europe, readying for its February launch.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

oh god yes ^^ i cant wait to get 1st what will the next one be about but? 1st is him try to work his way up to top maybe they spmthing at the end that will give us a idea

I doubt it'll still be a Wii exclusive if he does decide to do it. I blame the Japanese...freaking crazy people. First Zelda, then Mario Galaxy and now No More Heroes...

when a game is tailor made for the wii its hard to port to other consoles. can mario galaxys controls be done on anything other than ds?

tiamat1990 said:
I doubt itll still be a Wii exclusive if he does decide to do it. I blame the Japanese...freaking crazy people. First Zelda, then Mario Galaxy and now No More Heroes...

Have you noticed that the japanese sales of Mario Galaxy are slow but NOT LOW?? And about Zelda TP, Aonuma said that he designed the game thinking in the American Crowd, what do you expected?

I want it to happen. I think the game will go down a storm in the U.S and that's the most important region to making this trilogy a reality.

The more I think about it the more I am fucking pissed off about the lack of blood. It's so important to me as a SUDA collector to have untainted versions. I am getting two copies as a result, one copy will wait until Nintendo release a Black Wii in the U.S. The other will be played to death!. Just saw a sneaky peek of the Pizza Parlor Smilie.

Digital Anarchy Smilie

( Edited on 14.12.2007 05:26 by Linkyshinks )

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