It's been a little while since I played the demo, but I was not very impressed. The combat (in the demo, at least) seems very shallow, as it lacks RPG elements. While in previous FFs you could choose to master a certain 'job', or even combine two jobs with each character, it seems like this is not possible in this game. Noctis only has, what, four attacks? It feels as though these attacks are meant to serve as jobs, but in the demo it just feels very shallow considering you can only do one attack with each of the four weapons. Not to mention that there is no way to use magic. While magic is obviously part of the gameplay of the final product, I wonder if players will ever be allowed to truly role-play. Will the player be able to use magic exclusively, or specialize in certain types of attacks, or will the game force you to be a shallow kind of jack-of-all-trades like the demo does?
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD has deeper combat than the demo of XV, considering that not only can you choose your abilities and equipment, but you can also do a different basic attack based on the directional button you're holding. Aside from that, the weather effects can affect your characters negatively or positively, but XV doesn't have that so far. Even Final Fantasy XIII seems deeper than this game will be, as it's got the 'stagger' bar, synthesis abilities, weapon customization, and paradigms shifting. FF XV so far doesn't ask you to coordinate your attack types and weapon types with the rest of your team, while XIII did.
Sure, the warping towards enemies and onto landmarks is alright, but there don't seem to be that many opportunities for it. It's also not that interesting, it's basically just a 'heal' button, which makes me wonder why healing magic or potions are not included in the demo.
I thought the acting was mediocre, honestly. Most of the actors way overdid it, and as a result didn't sound all that natural. The actors of Ignis and Cindy were awful, and Ignis sounds like an American who tries his hand at a Queen's English accent despite not ever having heard a British person speak. So far we don't know anything about the characters, or whether or not they're even fun to be around; all we know is that one of them is 'serious', the other is pretty much 'the tough bro', another I would guess is the funny man or the klutz, and Noctis himself... well, I don't know the angle they're going for with him. Yes, I'm kind of scared this will be too similar to XIII's annoying and shallow characters, only this time they're visually less interesting.
I don't mean to be such a downer, but the demo felt like gameplay-wise, we're taking two steps back, to something that resembles Final Fantasy VIII only open-world. Now, I loved FF VIII, but I can also see the old FFs' flaws. What VIII did really well was the presentation: the soundtrack, dialogue, and graphics. This game's soundtrack is fine so far, but it doesn't do much more for me than XIII's soundtrack.
With all that said, the side-quests are okay, and it looks like there'll at least be plenty to do on the map. The game's story might very well be better than XII and XIII's, and we'll have to see about the combat. Graphics on the PS4 are good, but not amazing, but maybe that's because my TV needs to use game mode. I don't know, it feels like there's a lot missing. Maybe it's too much to expect it to be as good as old FFs like VI and VII were at the time. I guess we'll see.
( Edited 17.08.2015 16:26 by Enigma )