Sairento VR (PC) Review

By Chris Leebody 05.02.2018

Review for Sairento VR on PC

Developer Mixed Realms from Singapore, as the name may suggest, is primarily focused on the VR genre. In fact, to date, Sairento VR is its first step into this field and delves into a futuristic Japan rocked by a cataclysmic terrorist act and the emergence of a deadly nano-infected enemy. The protagonist is a cyber ninja who has the ability to wield a deadly arsenal of weapons and, more crucially, engage in the kind of ballet of violence that is more in line with Neo of The Matrix fame. Sairento VR is currently in Steam Early Access, with the ability to play on a never ending series of maps and objectives, ranging from survival to killing a powerful enemy. Of course, tying in with modern trends, loot plays a big factor here and the ability to keep upgrading weapons has kept up the longevity for the early adopters so far. However, the full release is just around the corner and with it a fully-fledged campaign. Cubed3 has had the chance to play through the release version and practice the true martial arts on offer.

Immediately, the comparisons are hard to bat away. The closest initial relative to Sairento VR is undoubtedly the excellent Superhot VR from everything to the aesthetic of a neo-noir cyber world to the bullets moving in slow motion just itching to be dodged. Some may even overlook the former title as being a mere copy. To do this would be a big mistake, though. The movement system, in this instance, is one of the most compelling of any VR title to do, maybe even the most compelling. It isn't that it does anything revolutionary in the basic mechanics; after all, some purists may even be shocked to find it is mostly an enhanced teleportation system. However, this is unlike most stationary teleportation VR movement in every way.

Screenshot for Sairento VR on PC

The amount of freedom, and the feeling of euphoria, when the ninja leaps into the air, jumps between walls, and then wall-runs, all the while spraying a machine gun at enemies, is truly incredible. The fluidity of all this is also an achievement, with Sairento VR being the quintessential pick-up-and-play kind of game.

Each of the maps is designed in a clever way to allow the maximum amount of experimentation of free running and various strategies to pick off the roving bands of enemy samurai. The amount of verticality gives everything a sense of scale that only increases the immersion. Of course, when someone mentions free running in VR, the inevitable twinge in the pit of the stomach tends to make itself known. That is the genius here, as even when the protagonist is jumping in all directions or landing hard on the ground from 50 feet, it does not give the usual feelings of sickness.

Screenshot for Sairento VR on PC

Rather, the experience is just so easy to get completely caught up in that the bigger danger is not stopping. Rather than nausea, the sweat of excitement will need to be wiped away from the headset. The thrill from chaining moves, and the choreography of killing, is straight out of the greatest martial arts flicks. The ease of use is what is most impressive and even a beginner will soon be back flipping and wall running.

Enemies, while not having the greatest general AI ever seen, do present a sense of danger. The usual grunts are easy prey but the more adept samurai and beyond utilise the full abilities available to them, from enhanced movement to using their weapons to deflect bullets. This lends more strategy to action rather than simply out manoeuvring them. Shoot an enemy in the knee and he will drop to the ground in pain, ready for execution. Equally, there are close and personal options with amazing katanas and even melee combat. It is visceral, it is brutal, and it is exhilarating.

Anyone that has played the Early Access so far will be familiar with the available modes, with the main one being the missions on various maps. These are very freeform and wave-based, and present a vast arena to move within. The gameplay loop that keeps things interesting is the experience and loot system, which rewards creative kills and moves with more experience to level up and increase abilities with a vast tech tree, as well as better weapons.

Screenshot for Sairento VR on PC

By the time of release there will also be a voiced and narrative-based story campaign. Having played through a good deal of it, is it the most engaging story ever? No. However, it provides enough grounding in lore and character development to supplement the already addictive mission mode. Credit has to go to the voice work, which is particularly impressive when it feels so close and immersive. Most importantly, what it does do is let the player literally step into a vision of Japan and get engrossed in this fantasy version of the world.

This is complemented by the visuals, which are colourful and vibrant, most importantly straddling the line between technically impressive while being mechanically sound. There are a few exceptions when action is particularly heavy and when the system catches up, but these are few and far between and do not distract from the overall experience. The enemy design is imaginative, while keeping a nod to the past and, of course, when surrounded by enemies of the 'Silent Ones' in VR, it always lends an extra element of danger.

Screenshot for Sairento VR on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10

Sariento VR is one of the most impressive VR titles in many ways. From the technical standpoint, with the graphics and engine stability, to the movement system (which is a pure thrill) right through to the sounds of the weaponry, which really make everything come to life. There are a few titles that mix some of the acrobatic movement and bullet-time mechanics separately but none have combined them so well and in such a complete package. This is one of the first VR titles on the market that could be reasonably described as a true AAA VR experience, with an addictive gameplay loop of missions offering plenty of rewards and a voiced campaign. Best of all, it might be a first class title but developer Mixed Realms has delivered on a budget price of £22.99. For VR owners, this is a must buy.


Mixed Realms


Mixed Realms





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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