Good Job! (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Nayu 21.04.2020

Review for Good Job! on Nintendo Switch

Released straight after a recent Nintendo Direct, Good Job peaked interest with the wide diversity of tasks available by the character working at their father's business. Working up from the ground floor to the penthouse boardroom, progress through the levels taking on seemingly simple tasks, like item delivery, and setting up lasers, are more complex than they first appear, and have numerous solutions ranging from breaking as few objects as possible, to wrecking walls and items whose value will make insurance premiums sky rocket in this puzzler.

The simple character design, teamed with a colourful environment, can be customised using a variety of head items - not all are hats - plus bags and scarves around the torso area from accessories discovered in each of the many levels. This reviewer recommends a pink hard hat and butterfly wings, creating a cute look, only switching to scuba diving gear for the swimming pool level. Character clothes aren't the only option open to customisation - how the game is played is entirely up to the player.

On each floor of the business building there are three levels that must be completed to gain access to the locked fourth level. Only when each floor is cleared can the next floor be accessed. From research to recreation, robotics to research, every floor has a specific theme and eye-pleasing colour palette. No floor is dull or boring to complete. Picking a favourite one is difficult due to the sheer variety of tasks needed to solve the puzzle. Collecting all water balls/floating ducks and crocodiles from a water park can be completed carefully without going on dry land and breaking the gleaming gold trophies - but where is the fun in that?

Screenshot for Good Job! on Nintendo Switch

Cleaning up bright pink goo on a research level with a mop feels almost like meditation, yet discovery of the high speed electric floor mop that creates a tornado like effect causing eye-wateringly expensive damage clears it up in mere seconds than many minutes. Each puzzle has multiple parts to fix. It was easy to clean up the goo, but harder to stop it continually pouring out of pipes. Finding a method to prevent it from spilling out of several places was the only way to keep the substance at bay for good, enabling a 100% level completion.

The level grading system thankfully does not rely on perfect grades for level progression. Puzzle solving ranges from six to almost sixty minutes. Time is only one of three grades at the end of the level, with the second being the amount of damage caused and the last being how many objects are destroyed. No matter how high or low each grade is, so long as a level's puzzle is completed it counts towards completing that floor.

Character customisation can occur as many times as desired within a level. Crucially the player's position in a level can be reset to the start without undoing any progress infinitely in the level. If left, all progress in a level is destroyed. Thankfully good grades in levels are not required to finish the game. Replay value is high with the desire for better grades, to maximise or minimise the amount of devastation caused, or simply to spend longer in a tug of war with some NPCs who are determined to keep plugging in a TV screen for their entertainment.

Screenshot for Good Job! on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10

Fixing an internet connection or returning stone boulders to their correct place in a zen garden will provide hours of fun in either single player mode, or by inviting friends to maximise the range of destruction in the chaotic multiplayer mode. The jaunty tunes accompanying each level blend well with every single aspect of a business fully explored, which many will relate to from their own work experience, only without the additional damages. Good Job is an excellent "job" for any game collection.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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