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jermainepettyuz2's wishlist

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Xbox One

Just Cause 3 on Xbox One1) Just Cause 3Add Just Cause 3 to your collection Add Just Cause 3 to your wishlist
jermainepettyuz2 wants 1 Xbox One game

Wii U

Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush on Wii U1) Kirby and the Rainbow PaintbrushAdd Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush to your collection Add Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush to your wishlist
Mario Kart 8 on Wii U2) Mario Kart 8Add Mario Kart 8 to your collection Add Mario Kart 8 to your wishlist
Splatoon on Wii U3) SplatoonAdd Splatoon to your collection Add Splatoon to your wishlist
Yoshi's Woolly World on Wii U4) Yoshi's Woolly WorldAdd Yoshi's Woolly World to your collection Add Yoshi's Woolly World to your wishlist
jermainepettyuz2 wants 4 Wii U games

PlayStation 4

Final Fantasy XV on PlayStation 41) Final Fantasy XVAdd Final Fantasy XV to your collection Add Final Fantasy XV to your wishlist
Krinkle Krusher on PlayStation 42) Krinkle KrusherAdd Krinkle Krusher to your collection Add Krinkle Krusher to your wishlist
jermainepettyuz2 wants 2 PlayStation 4 games


20XX on PC1) 20XXAdd 20XX to your collection Add 20XX to your wishlist
Action Henk on PC2) Action HenkAdd Action Henk to your collection Add Action Henk to your wishlist
Blacksea Odyssey on PC3) Blacksea OdysseyAdd Blacksea Odyssey to your collection Add Blacksea Odyssey to your wishlist
Bounty Train on PC4) Bounty TrainAdd Bounty Train to your collection Add Bounty Train to your wishlist
Don't Starve: Shipwrecked on PC5) Don't Starve: ShipwreckedAdd Don't Starve: Shipwrecked to your collection Add Don't Starve: Shipwrecked to your wishlist
Epsilon on PC6) EpsilonAdd Epsilon to your collection Add Epsilon to your wishlist
Final Fantasy XIV Online on PC7) Final Fantasy XIV OnlineAdd Final Fantasy XIV Online to your collection Add Final Fantasy XIV Online to your wishlist
Galactic Hero Agency: Mind Matters on PC8) Galactic Hero Agency: Mind MattersAdd Galactic Hero Agency: Mind Matters to your collection Add Galactic Hero Agency: Mind Matters to your wishlist
Guncraft on PC9) GuncraftAdd Guncraft to your collection Add Guncraft to your wishlist
Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing Ploy on PC10) Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing PloyAdd Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing Ploy to your collection Add Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing Ploy to your wishlist
Might & Magic Heroes VII on PC11) Might & Magic Heroes VIIAdd Might & Magic Heroes VII to your collection Add Might & Magic Heroes VII to your wishlist
Omnis: The Erias Line on PC12) Omnis: The Erias LineAdd Omnis: The Erias Line to your collection Add Omnis: The Erias Line to your wishlist
Pool Nation FX on PC13) Pool Nation FXAdd Pool Nation FX to your collection Add Pool Nation FX to your wishlist
The Escapists: The Walking Dead on PC14) The Escapists: The Walking DeadAdd The Escapists: The Walking Dead to your collection Add The Escapists: The Walking Dead to your wishlist
The Grandfather on PC15) The GrandfatherAdd The Grandfather to your collection Add The Grandfather to your wishlist
The Minotaur on PC16) The MinotaurAdd The Minotaur to your collection Add The Minotaur to your wishlist
Valhalla Hills on PC17) Valhalla HillsAdd Valhalla Hills to your collection Add Valhalla Hills to your wishlist
jermainepettyuz2 wants 17 PC games

jermainepettyuz2 wants 24 games in total.

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