True, but I am just pointing out that there seems to be a general format that they are following, and with Justice for All bringing that theme over to the West; I have no doubts that it won't be continued with the future titles. And as I said, it like it. Simple yet still distinguishing.
And just to note, the box art for Ace Attorney in Japan was the same type of format, but with a plain silver back ground color, so I think we can expect a different color than plain white for the Western release for Trials and Tribulations. Or at least we can hope, as I think the white is boring.
EDIT: Just finished the second case of Justice for All. Do not tread into the spoiler tag if you have not finished it.
I found the conclusion to the case satisfying, but disappointing. I had figured everything out about halfway through - which surprised me. I even theorized that Ini was actually Mimi with face surgery, and was surprisingly right. So, again, I was a bit disappointed that there were not too many surprises and that the few twists were not so twisty. Still though, a pretty good case. It was all worth it when Von Karma girl whipped Phoenix like 60 times. I cracked up laughing it was so funny.
Also, I really had no idea when I said, "spirit channeling mumbo-jumbo" in the first post that that was an actual line in the game. I sat there staring at the line going "wow!". I just thought that was interesting. 
( Edited on 25.06.2007 04:11 by Jacob4000 )