Ace Attorney Series

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SuperLink said:
Jacob4000 said:You know what I would really like? If Phoenix became the veteran attorney that this new guy would go to for advice, or something. Would at least involve him a little more, and not get rid of his role entirely.
^^;*cough* Smilie *cough* *says no more* >.>

...I don't understand what you are saying here...?

Yes, I'd go so far as to say Gumshoe is a very big main character, not a minor one. He is so integral to the cast. He's involved with nearly every case I believe.

Definitely, I meant as a main character. He's great. Smilie

Well it'll have to grow into a very established series for that to happen

I wouldn't rule it out, it's very popular in Japan. Might be nice, but I'd like to see the new direction they're going in first, it might be all worthwhile.

Oh dear. I'm going to end up pre-ordering the third one from Japan. As in I'm buying it this minute.

Definitely, I meant as a main character. He's great.

After re-reading your post, I was in the wrong. My bad - you did say Main Character. Smilie

Oh dear. I'm going to end up pre-ordering the third one from Japan. As in I'm buying it this minute.

Nooo! Don't give in to temptation, Mason!

'k, well, if you don't mind hearing about Phoenix's role in the fourth game, then lookie:

So has anyone else read Phoenix's full story from the 4th game? If you have then I'd be glad to have a conversation about it, since I was so curious I just had to read it.

EDIT: When's it out Mason? Does it have full English dub & translation? Including all the references in the western versions?

( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:10 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Just did [give in]. Smilie I'll still buy a western version for support though, it'll be alright.

( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:09 by Mason )

Wow, I was so close to being right without even knowing it! Smilie

If you did not read what was in SuperLink's spoiler tag and don't want to, then don't read this.

Mason said:
Just did [give in]. Smilie Ill still buy a western version for support though, itll be alright.( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:09 by Mason )

You are weak! Capcom have you wrapped around their fingers, buying two copies, in hopes to atone for your conscious. Smilie

( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:11 by Jacob4000 )

( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:37 by Jacob4000 )

I pretty much guessed his role in things as well for the fourth game. I'm absolutely not reading anymore into it though, it has to be a surprise. I know nothing about the third game either really aside a little of the first case.

EDIT: Hehe, I'll just get the second copy as a gift for somebody. Capcom can wrap me round all the fingers they like for this series, I love it so!

Also, I'll be playing it a month early. Smilie

( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:13 by Mason )

Mason said:
EDIT: Hehe, Ill just get the second copy as a gift for somebody. Capcom can wrap me round all the fingers they like for this series, I love it so!Also, Ill be playing it a month early. Smilie( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:13 by Mason )

Curse you, getting to play it a month early. Smilie

Me? I don't have the guts to import I am proudly standing by my region and will not import! Never! Smilie

Jacob4000 said:
Me? I dont have the guts to import I am proudly standing by my region and will not import! Never! Smilie
Same Smilie

Well, here's a quickie of what I think about Phoenix' role in the 4th game... don't read if you don't want to, just a quick thought Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'll be importing whether I get it from the east or west anyway, as Europe sucks. is really decent for imports though if you do decide to take the plunge. Smilie

I'll be importing from America simply because I know it won't be released in Europe 'till 2008, if ever.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yes, I can't hold it against anyone who imports a game from the US to Europe, as for the most part, NoE can't get their act together. How long did you guys have to wait for Animal Crossing GCN again?

This just brought back a memory: when you guys were all happy about Mario Kart DS coming out in Europe first, then NoE moved it back a week after the US launch. That was hilarious....err...I mean absolutely terrible. Smilie

Jacob4000 said:
Yes, I cant hold it against anyone who imports a game from the US to Europe, as for the most part, NoE cant get their act together. How long did you guys have to wait for Animal Crossing GCN again?This just brought back a memory: when you guys were all happy about Mario Kart DS coming out in Europe first, then NoE moved it back a week after the US launch. That was hilarious....err...I mean absolutely terrible. Smilie
Yeah, NoE are shit loads of the time. Animal Crossing didn't arrive in UK until it was out everywhere else on the entire planet. Like, 5 years after the Japanese release or something.

EDIT: 14 December 2001 (JP) (+)
15 September 2002 (NA)
27 June 2003 (JP) (e+)
17 October 2003 (AU)
24 September 2004 (EU)

Well, not 5 years, but 3, still very stupid. ^^; Still surprised it came out at all.

( Edited on 25.06.2007 00:26 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yep, shameful length of time indeed.

By the way, what do you guys think of the way Capcom does the box arts? I personally like it, they had a fairly original one for the first game, and I like how they are doing the sequels. Nothing special, just four of the main characters and a different "main color" for each one. I like the simplicity.

Jacob4000 said:
Yep, shameful length of time indeed.By the way, what do you guys think of the way Capcom does the box arts? I personally like it, they had a fairly original one for the first game, and I like how they are doing the sequels. Nothing special, just four of the main characters and a different main color for each one. I like the simplicity.
What do you mean by main colour? Well, I like the boxes too. But I don't think it's possible for my to dislike anything about this series O_O

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well I don't know about the European boxes, but the second in the series has a gold color background, and the fourth has a dark red color.

All the box arts and descriptions are spoiler tagged to save space. There isn't really anything spoiling about them.

( Edited on 25.06.2007 01:01 by Jacob4000 )

More than 1 spoiler in 1 post don't work D:

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Fixed. Smilie

Yeah, it's good, but there the 3rd game just has a pretty plain white background. Also they're be more comparable when we see the US box art for the 3rd or 4th ones IMO.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

True, but I am just pointing out that there seems to be a general format that they are following, and with Justice for All bringing that theme over to the West; I have no doubts that it won't be continued with the future titles. And as I said, it like it. Simple yet still distinguishing.

And just to note, the box art for Ace Attorney in Japan was the same type of format, but with a plain silver back ground color, so I think we can expect a different color than plain white for the Western release for Trials and Tribulations. Or at least we can hope, as I think the white is boring.

EDIT: Just finished the second case of Justice for All. Do not tread into the spoiler tag if you have not finished it.

( Edited on 25.06.2007 04:11 by Jacob4000 )

Phoenix Wright is a great game, I'm having so much fun with it. I'm only half way through the first game at the moment, but I was so hooked in the Turnabout Sisters case.

I'll get around to playing Justice for All and Trials and Tribulations virtually as soon as I've finished Ace Attorney, they're only a download away. Tee hee piracy for the win.

My favourite part so far was when Edgeworth objected to his own witness when Oldbag wouldn't stop talking, as well as pretty much the whole Turnabout Sisters case, bar the stupid ending.

Edgeworth is probably my favourite character so far.

Hey, did anyone else notice in the 2nd case of Justice for all when Phoenix says "Well excuuuuuse me princess!" to von Karma?

Smilie I seriously laughed out loud then, what a hilarious tribute, really made my day.

Edgeworth probably is my fave character yeah, I really love it whne he helps you out, & later in the first game he starts to not care about his client, he just wants to find the truth, which is excellent. He puts his reputation on the line for a greater good.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Heh I've just been playing it aswell, just onto case no5, and its proving quite enjoyable and I find myself striving to remember almost all of the quotes.

My favourite part so far was when Edgeworth objected to his own witness when Oldbag wouldn't stop talking

"O-objection! I... object to
the witness's talkativeness."

My personal fave's tend to come from Von Karma

"You will slam down your
gavel and say the word
"guilty." That is your role!"


"Study this revelation, you nest of adders!"

"You will slam down your
gavel and say the word
"guilty." That is your role!"

Smilie I loved how in control Von Karma was - it was hilarious.

EDIT: By the way, I don't really read the manuals for the games, mostly just a quick brush through since there really is not a change in gameplay. However I was reading the second and came across a Manga in the back. It was too funny. It confirms who throws all the confetti anyway. Smilie

( Edited on 25.06.2007 15:34 by Jacob4000 )

Hey, did anyone else notice in the 2nd case of Justice for all when Phoenix says "Well excuuuuuse me princess!" to von Karma?

Oh yes. There is also a BRILLIANT totally random pop-culture reference in one of the cases, I believe case 3. So unexpected, but ace. You'll know it when you see it (and you'll have to be quick at reading!). Unless you've not seen the show in question, in which case it won't be as funny...

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